Recovery 2.0 Feature Details
Learn more about what the latest version of SoberSystems has to offer.
Daily Check In
The Daily Check In is a series of six questions. They ask the Member specific information about their daily commitment to recovery. These questions are scored and immediately tabulated. Questions remain constant so consistency and self-discipline develop and are strengthened as a preventative to relapse.
Each question has a short dialogue box providing a rationale for the question. The questions range from Abstinence to Service. The weighted answers are logged in the database. There they are compiled with the number of Member log-in’s and together a report is formulated determining the risk of relapse.
The Lifelines are critical. This component of SoberSystems™ is designed to alert identified supports that the person is at risk of relapse.
When a Member initiates an account, they are guided through the start-up process. A profile is created and all contact is completed through email. During the new account creation, one section asks the Member to identify their Lifelines. These are designated supports or a Professional Care Manager. Fields on the screen are completed indicating name, email, phone and carrier making optional SMS messaging available.
The default timeline is three days. A message is sent via text and email to all supports letting them know the Member has not checked after this time. Supports and Care Managers then have the opportunity to implement early intervention and relapse prevention strategies. The Lifelines is an innovative high-tech tool for reducing relapse.
It is a quick-response mechanism for the Member and Monitor, offering maximum flexibility for comfortable integration knowing a support is always available.

The Schedule feature integrates with your phone’s calendar.
It eliminates the need for double recording. Our calendar will push info to your iOS or Android view with dots highlighting appointments for that specific day.
This convenient function is designed to streamline your activities and assist with increasing time management.

Community on
Join our unedited, unbiased social community. This is where support is tapped into. There is wide acceptance in the world of recovery people flourish with support of others. In our community, users can; Create your own profile, add a pic or avatar, disclose as much or as little as you desire. Post often or not at all. Email or Private Message other members, use attachments to get your message heard.

This feature links users to each other to find support and offer support to people on the same path. Thousands of individuals who have actively engaged in recovery through these programs have remained abstinent from substance abuse for years. In the world today instant ability to reach out and support or get support and to encourage people to become and remain abstinent from drugs, alcohol, and other addictive substances or behaviors.

Press this icon to see up-to-date calculations of current rewards earned (Sobercoin) and the number of Check-Ins required to earn the next reward. Then spend Sobercoin on a variety of services which will enhance your recovery. To explore more information on rewards, click the bottom link and see the complete breakdown of all rewards.

Screens are simulated. Actual screens may vary.
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